Monday, December 8, 2014

December News

We have been busy, busy, busy.  So busy that just this weekend I realized I neglected our newsletter.

We have just completed Unit 3 in our Everyday Math program and moved into Unit 4.  During the next couple of weeks we will be exploring addition/subtraction, calculators, attribute blocks, numeral recognition, number writing and sequencing, 2-dimensional shapes, and measuring.  We will continue to discuss and explore graphing, estimating, and patterning.

It has been so exciting watching the kids expand their literacy skills and start building the skills they require for reading.  Our book boxes are filled to the brim with books we have read and practiced often.  My goal is to have them cleaned out and materials sent home by Christmas break.  Then we will fill them again.   

Writing workshop is well underway.  We have been talking about how to make our writing easier to read.  As writer’s we can stretch out our words and write down their sounds,  we can put spaces between our words, and use punctuation.  We have also been learning how to use tools to improve our writing.  We can use a writer’s checklist to make sure we have made our writing the best it can be, we can use alphabet charts to help us figure out letters/sounds, and how we can use our word wall to write “snap” words.  

The weather has been changing from day to day.  Some days it is a little bit warmer and others are cold.  Please send your child to school with a hat and mittens (or gloves).  When it snows your child will need a pair of snowpants to keep them warm and dry.  They will also need a pair of boots.

Please remember if you have any concerns or questions do not hesitate to call me at school or e-mail me at  I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

End of the First Quarter

Friday marked the end of our first quarter.  It went by very quickly.  Report cards will go home on Friday.

We have started Unit 3 of the Everyday Math program.  This unit introduces addition/subtraction, number writing, skip counting, non-standard measuring tools, and the pan balance.  We will continue to work on counting, numeral recognition, number comparison, shape recognition, patterning, estimating, and number stories.

Writing workshop is well underway.  We have talked about and practiced how to tell trues stories with a storytellers voice.  We have talked about how writers show “where” they were, “who” they were with and “what” happened in their stories.  We have also talked about how writers plan their writing and write more than one page they write books.

We have been working on learning the routines of literacy stations and the kids are ready for guided reading.  Guided reading consists of small group instruction.  Each group has 4 to 5 students.  The sessions last for approximately 15 minutes and are geared towards the students needs.  All students will rotate through guided reading 3 - 5 times per week.

Parent/Teacher conferences are schedule for Thursday and Friday of next week.  I have sent home conference time slips with your child.  If you have not received one please let me know and I will send home another.

Please remember if you have any concerns or questions do not hesitate to call me at school or e-mail me at  I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Literacy Stations

Making our Go Away Big Green Monsters

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Kindergarten Bulletin Board

Check out the bulletin board by the cafeteria.  We turned it into a pumpkin patch this week.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 30

It’s day 30 and how do I know that?  We keep track of the number of days we have been in school during our calendar time.  We use straws to represent ones and when we have 10 we bundle them together to represent tens.  As of today, we have 3 bundles of 10 (30) and 0 straws (0) and when we counted them it turned out to be the number 30.  So cool!

We have been slowly opening and practicing literacy stations.  So far, we have opened the Drama Station, Library Station, ABC Station, Listening Station, and the Writing Station.  We will be opening the Poetry Station on Thursday.  It is important to practice the routines of literacy stations so they will run independently and smoothly.  Once all the stations are open I will be taking guided reading groups.  We will start with two groups a day and then transition to three groups a day.  Your child should rotate through guided reading at least three to four times a week.  

Writing Workshop is underway.  The kids are great.  They come up with their own topic, draw a picture, and write about it.  It is an amazing process to watch.

We are going to Wolfe’s Neck Farm on Thursday, October 23.  If you have not paid the $3 fee or signed the waiver please send it in by Friday of this week.  Many of you have expressed an interest in chaperoning this trip.  Due to limited space it is necessary to select the chaperones on first come first serve basis.  I will be contacting chaperones this week.

A Quick Peek at our Week

Making patterns.

Counting Activities

Retelling The Very Hungry Caterpillar with storyboards.

Monday, October 6, 2014

"My first book!"

What a day!!  It is a thrill to see a child excited about their work and proud of themselves.  We talked about how writers write books in writing workshop this morning.  Then we gave it a try.  What fun!
Touch - a book about all the things that you can touch.

Animal Spots - a book about where animals live.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Kindergarten Update

We completed our drawing unit with a fun lesson on using expression from Art for Small Hands and launched our writing workshop.  It is exciting to watch the kids come up with their own ideas and put it on paper.

We will be reading one of my favorite books this week, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  This story lends itself well to the skill of retelling.  Each student will make a storyboard with a clothespin caterpillar to practice the skill.   Retelling is the foundation of reading comprehension and we will practice it all year with a variety of text.

We have completed Unit 1 in Everyday Math and will be moving on to Unit 2 this week.  Unit 2 introduces 2 dimensional shapes, symmetry, estimation, tricky teens, and number stories.  We will continue to work on counting,  patterning, graphing, and comparing measurements.

We will also be wrapping up our 5 senses unit.  We will be exploring the sense of touch this week and the sense of taste.  It should be fun!

The kindergarten team is planning a field trip to Wolfe’s Neck Farm at the end of October.  More information will follow in upcoming newsletters.

I hope you have a wonderful fall week.  If you should have any questions or concerns please e-mail me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Artist use expression.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Classroom Rules

Last week was busy.  We made our hopes and dreams for our kindergarten year and posted them in our classroom for all to see and share.  After brainstorming a long list of classroom rules we were able to whittle them down to four rules that we can all remember.  Our classroom rules are:
Be safe.
Be kind.
Be responsible.
Try your best!
We will be talking about what these rules look like and sound like in our classroom this week.  Please take a moment to talk with your child about these rules.

Tomorrow is Picture Day.  We are scheduled to have our photos taken in the morning.  If you haven’t sent in your photo order please send it with your child tomorrow.

We have been slowly working toward developing a classroom schedule.  Our day always starts with morning work.  This is a quiet time when students work on a skill we have been learning in class.  It is also a time where I can work with individual students or small groups to bolster their skills.  At 8:45 a.m. we gather on the rug for a morning meeting.  It is a fun way to start our day and take a moment to greet each other.  This week I will be introducing writing workshop and we will start learning about literacy stations.  We always have a break midmorning for a snack and recess.

After lunch we have a special and then math.  Late afternoons we have time for social studies/science and then choice time or a recess depending upon the weather.

Our Hopes and Dreams for Kindergarten

Friday, September 5, 2014

Our First Week

We had a great start to the year.   For the past four days we have been learning routines and procedures that will support our learning for the rest of the school year.  We have learned where to store our backpacks, how to use a special signal when we need to use the bathroom, sit “criss-cross applesauce”, and to raise our hand when we want to speak.  We have learned how to walk down the hallway in a quiet, safe line and how to navigate the cafeteria.

We have started the process of creating our classroom rules.  We have discussed and created a list of things we think we will learn this year.  The next step is for each child to decide their hope and dream for their kindergarten year.  Then we will be ready to develop our classroom rules as a team.  I will keep you posted.

Next week will be a full 5-day week.  A good night’s sleep is vital for your kindergartner.  Experts say that 5-year-olds need 10 to 12 hours of sleep every night.

If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom or attending a field trip, please turn in the Volunteer Form as soon as possible.  The form takes a few weeks to process and the sooner you submit the form, the better.

The Dike Newell School Open House is scheduled for next Wednesday, September 10 from 6 to 7 PM.  Come join us.  It is great opportunity for your child to show off the school.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hooray! The First Day!

Your child had a very busy day today!  We spent a lot of time learning new routines, meeting new friends and many teachers/staff.  This adds up to a lot of listening

We sang songs and read a few books.  We started our first unit in Everyday Math and learned how to do our daily calendar.  In between we had snack, lunch, and recess, all the while learning how to do those things.

Over the next few weeks we will be building a classroom schedule and learning routines to help our day move smoothly.  We will also be developing our classroom rules for behavior and learning how to be part of a learning community.  This all takes time and practice.

Our specials schedule is as follows:
Monday:  Library
Tuesday:  Art
Wednesday:  Music
Thursday:  Library
Friday:  Physical Education
Please get into the routine of packing your child’s library book on Thursday and wearing sneakers on Friday.

Important Note:  Our classroom is a peanut and tree nut free zone.  For the health and safety of all our students do not send your child with a snack containing or processed in a facility that contains peanuts and/or tree nuts.  Check all labels.  Healthy alternatives are fruits and veggies.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

It was great meeting you!

It was great meeting all of you tonight.  You may have noticed that the classroom looked a bit empty.  In a matter of weeks it will transform and become a working kindergarten classroom.  As we learn how to use our classroom tools they will be put on the shelves and the walls will slowly get covered in artwork then the room will be "ours."  I can't wait to get started.

Things pop up before the school year starts, if you have any concerns please e-mail me at  I will check my e-mail throughout the weekend and get back to you.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.  I am looking forward to the start of school!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome To Kindergarten

Kindergarten is an exciting year!  It is a year where your child will meet many new friends.  It is also a year where your child will build a foundation of social, emotional, and educational skills that they will use throughout their lives.

To ease the transition from home to school please keep these in mind:
  • Lunch:  A monthly menu will be sent home with your child.  Send all lunch money in a sealed envelope.  Write your child’s name on the outside of the envelope.  Make all checks payable to Dike Newell School.  Milk may be purchased.
  • Snack:  We have snack every morning.  Please send your child with a simple healthy snack.
  • Clothing:  Accidents happen in kindergarten.  Please send a spare set of clothing.  The clothing will remain in your child’s backpack until needed.
  • Outdoor Recess:  Outdoor recess is an important part of your child’s day.  Please dress your child according to the weather.  Appropriate footwear is also important avoid flip flops and high heeled shoes/boots.
  • Transportation:  Please let me know of any transportation changes.  Send a note if you are picking your child up at school, if your child will be getting off the bus at a different stop, or if your child needs to ride a different bus.  The office must have written notification of all changes.
  • Teacher Contact:  Your child will have a Home/School Folder.  I check it every morning.  Please include all notes in this folder and I will get back to you.  I can be reached via e-mail at or by phone at 443-8285.  Kindergarten is a busy place.  If you need to talk with me please call before or after school.  I will return all calls at the end of the day.

I am looking forward to a great year filled with fun and learning.