Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April News

The school year is just flying by.  Friday marks the end of our third quarter.  Report cards will be coming out soon to update you on your child’s progress.

We are scheduled to attend a  Portland Symphony Orchestra KinderKonzert on Thursday of this week at Brunswick High School.  The performance, Strings KinderKonzert: The Music and Life of Beethoven, will focus on the life of Ludwig von Beethoven.   This is a great opportunity for all students to experience classical music and a variety of instrument families.

We continue to study “How To” writing in writing workshop.  You can tell we are getting to the end of the unit because our writing folders are bursting at the seams.  We will be wrapping up this unit in mid-April.  We will have a short unit of study on Poetry and then to Opinion Writing.    

Within the next week we will be finishing Unit 6 in Everyday Math.  In Unit 7, we will be exploring the concepts of 10’s & 1’s, addition & subtraction, data collection & graphing, 2 & 3 dimensional shapes, coin values, and numeration skills.

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for the week of April 13th.  I will be scheduling conferences in the afternoons and early evenings.  Please look for a sign up sheet in your child’s folder this week. Conference times will be filled on a “first come - first serve” basis.  If you are unable to meet during the week of April 13th please contact me and we can make arrangements for another time.

Please remember if you have any questions or concerns to give me a call at school or e-mail me at